Welcome to the Bears Den.


I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.

    Greetings! or whatever quirky and casual salutation more socially adept and extroverted people compared to me say online nowadays... I am Yugi, a stupidly introverted and socially awkward 17 year old who suddenly decided to make his own blog after seeing the announcement that lockdown measures where I am from are going to tighten and stay that way for a week; probably forever idk. I've lost most hope at this point.

    You're probably wondering: "why the hell would this bimbo decided to make a blog?!" and my answer to that is simply this... why the hell not! I am too lazy to record and edit vlogs; I have a very small circle of friends whom I can rant to; and, well, I like talking while typing. It is kinda relaxing to be honest.

    It is currently 2:38AM, the 4th of April 2021. I am very tired after watching a bunch of historical records within the inner chambers of YouTube; a time when people do mysterious things like going outside, standing UNDER 6ft from each other, or even the most strange and mythical thing that my imagination has even conceived: Socializing... WITHOUT A SCREEN! Truly, great mysteries that need answers too. But oh well, COVID is a thing that will stay with us forever.

    To be real with you, I originally planned to make a newsletter literally 15-30 minutes before creating this blog; however, newsletters require something called the news and apparently ranting about shit I think about as absolute poop isn't considered newsworthy for the masses of "sophisticated" readers out there looking for a source of semi-routine information. I could also do a vlog, as I mentioned earlier, but that requires 3x more work; moreover, I am not that passionate to work on that too much. So making a blog in Blogger is the easiest solution I have thought of. Hopefully some people would enjoy the read.

Purpose? Content? Cringe??

    The conception of this blog is mainly so that I can have a proper outlet to rant about things I really hate about the world we are in today; share some ideas that suddenly randomly pop into my head;  use the semi-colon symbol and oxford commas without some dumb authority correcting me; and overall express myself without seeing my classmate DM me my tweet over on discord because another classmate liked it (the tweet was just: "Poop") for no fucking reason. 

    The most content that is going to appear here anyways is just my takes on random things that probably shouldn't matter to any normal person, but clearly do to me. Like "Why is [subject] so [adjective]"; "My review on [insert cartoon/otaku shit here]"; or "Yugi's Take on [Insert Bullshit here]". Really, I just loved writing feature articles during my Creative Non-Fiction class in the previous academic term, and I wanted to apply that here.. cos why the hell not.

    I am a somewhat political person; both a Liberal and a Libertarian (though ideally, they are the same thing, society is just fucked). I live in a generation where even the youth have access to political content and are socially aware and informed enough to cultivate their own political opinions about the world, semi-independent of parental influence. As much of a beautiful thing that is for the youth and young-adults of our generation and time (in my humble opinion), I do not seek to impose shit on anyone. I am a pacifist (yes, it's a fancy word for pussy); a pacifist that hold the belief that the "moral high ground"  and "I WON THE ARGUMENT!" mentality most people online hold nowadays is very stupid. Shoving how wrong people are only makes them dig deeper into their beliefs to prove YOU wrong! I prefer to be open minded and learn from the other side. You are free to believe in your bullshit, as I am to believe mine. Just don't bother me.

    In general... you won't be seeing much political content here. Majority would be just pop-culture, or whatever part of it I am into to be fair. This is a ranting place, and I don't engage in troll arguments...also Google Adsense is a thing... so ye. gotta have those engagement numbers up boi. Just expect a lot of D&D rants and poop along the way.

Conclusion! (sleepy Yugi)

    This is the Bears Den and I am YugiBearz! This is a dumb hobby I wanted to try out for myself. Maybe some of you readers will like what I make, maybe others will ABSOLUETLY hate me. Either way, this is going to be one hell of a ride (at least, until hibernation).

    Speaking of which, its almost 4AM now. So I must sleeps.  Hopefully Blogger will have a darkmode for making draft posts...

Welcome to the den; enjoy your stay.

- YugiBearz.


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