blogs are weird


minimalist logo; nice.

    If you all have been around the blog since the beginning (somehow), you all might've noticed that I keep a particular format whenever I write a new post in this blog. A "research paper" like title; a simple png image I made in Canva with 1 or two elements; and either a very long and droning wall of text, or a "short" essay. There isn't a lot, and I really like it that way.

   It's just a weird thought that has occurred to me literally as I am writing this because of how surprising it was to discover how many people have actually took the time and read the things I have posted in this blog. Thank you all so much for that! Looking at the stats now, there are 386 people who have visited this blog and read my posts since its conception. I have never expected this, and The Bears Den is so far my most successful personal project. I do not really care about views and popularity for each post, though I still keep a goal of a minimum of 10 views for everything I post and make sure to keep a level of quality. At this point, the blog only gets around 6 views in general in a good day, which is still a success to me since people still read the blog.

    In the internet nowadays, people use video platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and others alike to showcase their lives to the masses and entertain them. Believe it or not, I wanted to be a "vlogger" and do YouTube videos. However, there was a problem: my life is very uninteresting. All I have are the thoughts in my head, and no idea how to put that in video format without making it look boring. Years beforehand, I did very shitty gaming and reaction videos in a now deleted channel. There is just too much time, effort, and commitment into making YouTube videos, but I still want to find a way to express my head somehow. So I eventually found out about blogging and BlogSpot. The process of creating a blog was simple, and I knew how to write articles from my 11th Grade "Creative Non-Fiction" class where I did the article "Dice and Escapism" for a project. It was all perfect: all the ideas in my introverted head; a platform to share them; and it be very low risk and minimal effort. 

     With the pandemic becoming a thing, a lot of creative hobbies have become trending, and some seen a resurgence, like journaling, caring for plants, D&D, and cooking. What's weird to me is that blogs haven't really taken off as the next hip and cool thing for 2021 yet. Maybe the demographic has changed and short 15 second long videos are the new craze. I dunno. Maybe people prefer instant content than what is basically a really long Facebook post minus the emojis. All I know is that blogging isn't exactly "dead" yet and people should try getting into the hobby, albeit with very minimal thought of fame in mind and realistic goals to keep the fun value there. 

   Being a blogger, or an "Independent Writer/Journalist" as snoody people call it, is a very fulfilling hobby. You don't have to worry as many things as compared to bullet journaling since all you do is commit some time to write literally anything you want without feeling like you wasted money on overpriced notebooks, pens, and other art stuff. I have done diaries in the past, inspired by "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", but I felt stupid a day or two after trying and looking at how much my handwriting sucks. This blog is essentially a very public diary, but I have full creative freedom and flexibility to do whatever I want and type what I feel. Plus, typing feels nicer than physically holding a pen/pencil and writing something in my opinion (though the M in my laptops keyboard is dead, and it's annoying.)

        If you are looking for a weird semi-minimalist hobby that kills time and not your brain or your pocket, I would suggest writing a blog. It is a weird hobby to take, especially compared to literally everything else in social media that can be considered a hobby, like TikTok, but is it is a nice way to express your creative side without wearing yourself too thin. In the scope of everything going on around the world now, the trends, drama, and general high-octane bullshit we are exposed to in the day by day, I think having a small blog to take time and share your thoughts is a nice change of pace. 



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