The Push for a "Bike-Friendly" Philippines

cycling is fun. Cycling has always proven to be a fun and enjoyable sport that basically anyone can have a hand in. Everyone says that once you learn how to ride a bike for the first time, you basically never forget how for the rest of your life. Indeed, the bicycle is known as one of the most environmentally friendly alternatives in personal transport and a brilliantly practical tool for exercise. Every country has their own cycling cultures and sets of policies for cyclists; however, the Philippines isn't what I call a "friendly" place for casual cyclists. You see, The Philippines developed in such a way that its infrastructure and roadway systems can only accommodate cars and motorized vehicles; cycling in the Urban Philippines can be very dangerous. This is true to a fact where cycling is mostly a professional sport rather than casual transport, with very limited routes and options for Filipino cyclists to choose from. Living in Angono, Rizal, for e...