Summer Vacation During COVID-19

Finally off classes until August I think... On the 7th of May, Academic Year 2020-2021 for me had ended. YugiBearz has survived 11th Grade as an introverted HUMSS student who has somehow survived everything for the past few years of high school purely through clutch rolls of the cosmic d20s, and yet still has absolutely no idea on how to function as an adult despite on being in that arbitrary age of 18 in July as I venture forth into 12th Grade as a senior, and figure out how the fuck college, employment, and general adulting works. In short, I am a mess. Luckily, in-between the long stretches of education, development, and sheer social anxiety, there is a small sliver of hope that I have always looked forward to that has motivated me to keep on pushing on no matter how crappy the year was, and basically gave me a whole clean slate to start the next school year: Summer Vacation. Yet, as I grew older, the 2 months of "absolute freedom" of being...