
Showing posts from May, 2021

Summer Vacation During COVID-19

Finally off classes until August I think...      On the 7th of May, Academic Year 2020-2021 for me had ended. YugiBearz has survived 11th Grade as an introverted HUMSS student who has somehow survived everything for the past few years of high school purely through clutch rolls of the cosmic d20s, and yet still has absolutely no idea on how to function as an adult despite on being in that arbitrary age of 18 in July as I venture forth into 12th Grade as a senior, and figure out how the fuck college, employment, and general adulting works. In short, I am a mess.     Luckily, in-between the long stretches of education, development, and sheer social anxiety, there is a small sliver of hope that I have always looked forward to that has motivated me to keep on pushing on no matter how crappy the year was, and basically gave me a whole clean slate to start the next school year: Summer Vacation. Yet, as I grew older, the 2 months of "absolute freedom" of being...

instant noodles are weird

Let's all be honest, they are weird, yet good. ----     Alright. I realized that frequent posting is important for the blog to kick off better, and also I have too many weird thoughts in my head that for some reason cannot be put into the long-winded articles I usually publish in the Bears Den. So, after 15 minutes of being pissed off when I attempted to write this article on my phone (the Blogspot app sucks; Canva runs shit on my phone.), and 2 or so weeks of haitus, I decided to just write on my usual set up... but SHORTER! So yeah, when I have weird footnotes in mind, I'll just be writing these "Shorts". Enjoy! ----      Throughout the pandemic, I have noticed that I have been eating a lot more instant noodles than I should. Don't get me wrong, I can cook other things, but it seems much easier for me to simply just put dried noodles in a bowl, fill it with hot water, wait, and just follow any other instructions on the packet. There have also been ...

Online Classes: A Bittersweet Victory

  Basically how Yugi feels during Online Classes      You know... I wanted to write this on early April, but I felt that it would be more appropriate if I started writing this post towards the end of the school year. It is currently the 4th of May as of writing this, and my classes will end this coming Thursday; I am excited for that, but not really...     It is very hard to explain why I am feeling like this, after going through such a year. Normally, after going through a "heroic narrative arc" of hardship, difficulty, and strife, the hero's will always feel victorious and awesome in the end. We all like to think about ourselves as the protagonists of our own stories, I know I do; however, after going through one hell of a school year being isolated in the mountains long ways away from city life and studying in the absolute hot mess that is online classes, I felt lethargic and melancholy as the hours went by. In the years past, I was ecstatic to see ...