it has been fun... i guess? Here we are. A few more weeks left into what can be considered as the second worst year in all of humanity. After that, we will be moving on into expecting so much out of 2022 that we will all cry into depression when we realize that the New Years celebrations do not equate to a ultimate reset button, but instead indicate a set reminder that it can been 1 year and we still have not yet solved the problems that has turned the entire planet into a burning shithole along with the thousands of new problems the world decided to push out on the way. To be completely frank, you can probably see that I am not that excited for the festivities to come a few days after Christmas Day. People may or may not agree with this, but I feel that we overhype the new year, especially knowing how dogshit late 2019 and the entirety of 2020 was. We have dealt with almost 2 or so years of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccinated so many people, discovered new variants of the...